Kamis, 28 April 2011

ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook

ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook
Fourth Edition
ompletely revised in response to ISO 9000:2000
by : David Hoyle

Preface and acknowledgements :
Since the third edition of this handbook was published in 1998 there has been
a radical change to the ISO 9000 family of standards. The standards have
changed in structure from 20 elements to 8 sections; they have changed in
intent from quality assurance to customer satisfaction; the terminology has
changed so as to suit all types of organizations and there has been a change in
direction from a focus on planning, inspection and test and the removal of
nonconformity to a focus on objectives, processes, measurement, analysis and
This meant that the handbook that had evolved over the previous eight years
required a complete rewrite. However, I have maintained the basic purpose of
the handbook – that of providing the reader with an understanding of each
requirement of ISO 9001 through explanation, examples, lists, tables and
diagrams. As there were over 300 requirements in the 1994 version of ISO 9001,
this led to a book of considerable size – it was not intended as a quick read! It
was and remains a source of reference and although I was tempted to
restructure the book as an A-Z of ISO 9000 to reduce duplication, I have
adhered to following the structure of the standard, adding clause numbers to
the headings to make it user-friendly. The handbook is therefore laid out so as
to follow the section numbers of ISO 9001.
Most of the requirements of the 1994 version are included in the 2000 version
of ISO 9001, but few remain exactly the same. Many have been reworded or
condensed to remove over-prescriptive requirements and focus on general
concepts. The differences between the 1994 and 2000 versions are shown in textx Preface and acknowledgements
boxes by the side of the new requirement. In revising this handbook a lot of
detail had to be omitted primarily as it was focused on manufacturing
examples or detail requirements that are no longer included in the standard.
Previous versions of this handbook therefore remain relevant and a useful
source of information for those interested in seeking such detail.

TO read more detail about this book, just download it from this link :

ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook


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